Houston chiropractor Dr. Gregory Johnson treated Holly and her husband Thomas, who traveled from San Antonio. - Thomas had been experiencing rib cage and sternum pain, as well as neck pain, upper thoracic tightness, headaches, upper back tightness, pain in his left index finger, and occasional numbness and tingling in his forearms. - This was Thomas's first adjustment at Advanced Chiropractic Relief. - Dr. Johnson noted that both Thomas and Holly are side sleepers, as evidenced by their posture. - Thomas lay face down for his examination, and it was determined that his vertebrae in the thoracic spine were misaligned. - Misalignment in this region can cause chest pain or costosternal pain, which may be mistaken for a heart attack. - Dr. Johnson adjusted Thomas's clavicular and costovertebral joints. - Thomas had a straightening and reversal of the cervical curve, possibly due to excessive texting, which Dr. Johnson corrected. - Thomas then lay on a different table, and Dr. Johnson adjusted him further. - After the adjustments, Thomas was instructed on how to improve his posture and was given exercises to do at home. - Thomas reported feeling better and experiencing relief from his symptoms. - Dr. Johnson thanked Thomas for his visit and invited viewers to visit Advanced Chiropractic Relief in Houston, Texas.