We are here at the world headquarters of Whiskey Alpha Zero Foxtrot Sierra Echo. George Scott, the station manager, is working on HF sticks, also known as Ham sticks. He is experimenting with two 20-meter Ham sticks, MFJ versions. George has also bought a device from MFJ to connect them. He wonders why YouTube channels never explain how to tune the sticks and show the results in megahertz. George inserts the shorter whips and notices that they are considerably shorter than the longer ones. He expects the resonant frequency to be around the 17-meter band but finds it to be close to the 16-meter band. To adjust the length, George decides to shorten the sticks by removing either two or three inches. He faces some difficulty in cutting the sticks but manages to do it without any accidents. After tightening the front screw, George is eager to see the new resonant frequency. It turns out to be fine, resonating at 14-14, 139, and 140. Grandkids are coming over for a Shirley Temple night, and George plans to educate them about Shirley Temple, who he jokingly says opened for Madonna. The resonant frequency on one side needs adjustment, so George adds a half-inch to make it resonate on the desired frequency. Tuning the other side, George hears something and suggests trying a triac. George then mentions his hunger and plans to get something to eat. He jokes about being less of a typical amateur radio operator than himself. They finally establish contact with another station, Whiskey Alpha Zero Foxtrot Sierra Echo, and exchange signal reports. They have difficulty with SWR and suspect that the MFJ device is the problem. They remove it from the line and switch to a different radio, successfully making contact. They conclude that this experience is like...