Simplicity style at its finest, the Sony ICC 1600 is a calculator from 1973 that has every feature one could ever want. From addition to subtraction, multiplication to division, this calculator has it all. And if you need to remember a number for later use, the ICC 1600 will remember it for you. But that's not all it can do. The dial on this calculator allows you to adjust the number of digits after the decimal point, up to ten digits. With a 12-digit display, you can also choose where to round when doing division. Not only does this calculator excel in basic math operations, but it also has two additional features related to running totals. By pressing ok, you can multiple additions. For example, 2 plus 2 equals 4, 4 plus 6 equals 10, and so on. Additionally, the calculator has an accumulator that adds up all the results of your calculations. One interesting aspect of this calculator is its ability to showcase the duration of long division calculations. By using slow motion at 240 frames per second, you can observe the time it takes for the calculator to complete a division calculation. While the Sony ICC 1600 is electrically fine, it does have one flaw – the change sign key doesn't come back up. Other minor imperfections include asset tags and engravings, indicating that this calculator may have been owned by the Mountain Bell phone company. Another unique feature of this calculator is its use of Nixie tubes. Nixie tubes utilize filaments for each letter inside the tube, which light up to create individual characters. These tubes, stacked upon each other, emit electrons and react with gas to produce light. However, Nixie tubes require a high voltage and are not easy to use. The ICC 1600 is actually one of several...