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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Can Form 2220 Logged

Instructions and Help about Can Form 2220 Logged

Are you finally ready to learn how to create a custom member profile login page here in Wix? Well, I'm finally here to give you that answer. I know most of you have been asking me this crazy amount and that's perfect because that goes to show that you guys are utilizing Wix code to its full capabilities. So, I'm excited to finally deliver you this video. So, the question asked is how do you create a custom login page and I'm gonna explain it here in this video. When we define a login page, we mean a page where they could go click login. It'll prompt them to login or if they're already logged in, it'll say my account and they could click my account and go to their profile page. And you guys can style this page however you want. In this video, I'll show you how we're gonna do it. Before we hop into that, guys head over to weekly Wix Wednesday comm, again that's weekly Wix Wednesday comm. We're here on that page now. This is an email list designed to help you guys. I created this list to help people just like yourself learn new Wix tips, tricks, and tutorials. And I send them out every single Wednesday in the form of an email. I've helped so many people already and thanks to you guys, more people just keep adding on to that list. And I love watching all of you progress over this period of time. So, go check that list out and get on it if you haven't already. Now, let's hop into the meat of the video. So, before we actually get into the whole meat of everything, let me first explain a few prerequisites to this video. One, you need to...