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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Can Form 2220 Reserved

Instructions and Help about Can Form 2220 Reserved

Divide this text into sentences and correct mistakes: Music bigger welcome hello San Francisco TEDx oh my god blinding light hi everybody how are you fine oh my gosh okay so my name is Mel Robbins and for the last 17 years, I have done nothing but help people get everything that they want, within reason. My husband's here, and so I've done it in the courtroom, in the boardroom, in the bedroom, in people's living room, whatever room you want to be in, if I'm there, I will help you get whatever you want by any means necessary. For the last three years, I host a syndicated radio show five days a week. I go live in 40 cities, and I talk to men and women across America who feel stuck. Do you know that a third of Americans feel dissatisfied with their lives right now? That is a hundred million people, that's insane. And I've come face-to-face with it in this new show that I'm doing, which is also insane. It's called "in-laws." I move in with families across America, you guessed it, who are at war with their in-laws. We move them into the same house, I've verbally assassinate everybody, we open up Pandora's and I get people to stop arguing about the donuts and who's hosting Thanksgiving dinner and talk about the real stuff. And that's what I want to talk to you about. I'm here for you, I'm gonna tell you everything I know in less than 18 minutes about how to get what you want. So I want you to take a millisecond right now and I want you to think about what you want. And I want you to be selfish, screw Simon and the wee thing, this is about me right now. Sorry Simon,...