Music, hi there, this is Jonathan Ginsberg. I'm a Social Security disability attorney and today I'd like to talk to you about my list of the top 8 ways you can improve your chances of getting approved for Social Security disability. This is not an exclusive list, this is not something that comes from Social Security. This is just reflective of my own experience in getting people approved for disability cases over the last 20-something years. So here's my top eight list: 1. First and foremost, you've got to have medical treatment. I deal without any gaps in treatment. In this current climate, I'm recording this in 2017, disability judges expect to see a comprehensive, unbroken medical record. You cannot have gaps of eight months, a year, 18 months, two years where you have not gone to the doctor. Even if you have a condition that is permanent or chronic, judges expect to see you go to the doctors. So a strong, consistent medical record without any gaps is really, really important. 2. Your medical condition should be based on a firm diagnosis. It's very difficult to win disability benefits when your medical condition is sort of wishy-washy, a lot of different types of things. It's much better to have a firm diagnosis. For example, if you have spinal stenosis, chronic venous insufficiency, or pulmonary function disease, it's much better to have a label on your condition and to have a number of various conditions that no one really knows what it is. That, by the way, is why conditions like fibromyalgia and CRPS are difficult to win, because they're sort of a diagnosis of last resorts. Judges are much more comfortable awarding benefits on a firm diagnosis with objective tests for those diagnoses. For example, for spinal stenosis, they can do...
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