Hi, I'm Tim, CEO and founder of Apple Software. I've helped start a number of nonprofits and worked at a church for several years. So, I've gone through this startup process multiple times. It's not as difficult as it seems. When you do your first one, it's challenging. But when you do the second one, it's like, "Oh, I remember how to do all this stuff." And after you've done a few of them, you realize that if you just know the steps and checklist, it's pretty easy to do. Alright, so how to start a nonprofit. I think there are a lot of steps and a specific order in which you need to do them when starting a nonprofit. The first place to start, silly as it may sound, is thinking of a name. Many times, you'll think of a name or want to start a nonprofit, only to find out that the name is already registered or there's no available website domain with that name. So, you should brainstorm the type of name you want and then do a domain check to see if the name is available. You want to submit an application with the filled-out name. If the name is taken, it will be rejected. Therefore, it's important to check if the name is available before turning in your application, ensuring a smooth process. Once you have the name of the entity you'd like to start, the next step is to bring that nonprofit into existence. You can do this by filing what is called "Articles of Incorporation" with the Secretary of State, which is a state agency available in every state. By filing these articles, you're essentially creating a corporation, which will later become a nonprofit. The Articles of Incorporation are typically a one-page document, although it...
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