Hi, this is Mike Haver. Thank you for asking me what community service hours are and where you can do them. Community service hours generally come in one of two forms. Either as a special condition of your probation, in which case you may have alternatives. You may be able to convert them to a fine and buy them out, or as part of a diversionary program, in which case you're going to have to do them or you're going to get bounced out of the program. Either way, whoever is supervising you is going to provide you with a list of alternatives for your consideration. As a general rule, you can go to any bona fide charity, but not your cousin Jimmy's Community Food Bank. It needs to be a legitimate 501 C charity, any government institution, any academic institution, or any religious organization or entity. In Miami, I make it a point to recommend to my clients that they do community service hours through the Humane Society. You can go there and sweep up cat dander if you'd like, but you can also earn community service hours by serving as a foster parent to a pet. Here in Miami, the conversion rate is two community service hours for each 24-hour period of foster care. To me, as an animal lover, this is a win-win. If you have community service hours, please do them and do them on time. And if you encounter a problem along the way, then call me. I'd like to be able to help you either way. Thank you for your question, please keep them coming. And remember, Michael A. Haber, PA, it's all about reasonable doubt.
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