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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Fill Form 2220 Ting

Instructions and Help about Fill Form 2220 Ting

Everyone, welcome back! Let's talk about hip dips today. This is such a hot topic right now, but the only hope is this year. Look, if this is extremely common, you're not free, everybody has one. It is just part of our skeletal structure, so there's no way you can avoid it as long as you're human. You are going to have some subjectivity. Yeah, so some people may have a more pronounced hip dip, some not so much, and some probably just filled up with fat or muscles. So, as you see on social media these days, it can be surgically improved. So, I used to have a bit of hip dips and I was not really concerned about it, it's just because I was quite skinny, so I don't have much fat and muscles around my hips. It's kind of like a big pressure that's like dentists, yeah? So, here, this is extremely common, so don't be upset if you have hip dips. I also understand if this is something that you want to improve. I get a lot of questions around hips recently, so today I'm going to talk about a few tips to improve that and also ten exercises that you can do to fill up that area. So, yeah, if you want a natural way, keep on watching. So, I just want to show you a few diagrams of our hip and thigh bone area and also where the muscles are. This is going to help you understand your body better and hopefully help you engage your muscles better at the gym. So, here's our hip and thigh area. Basically, looking at this, hip dips naturally occur if you are a human being. But how deep it is depends on how high your pelvis is and also...