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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Fill Form 2220 Widower

Instructions and Help about Fill Form 2220 Widower

Hi it's Wednesday that means it's time for another video edition of widower Wednesday I'm able Kia author of dating a widower and I've got a special widower Wednesday that we're gonna do today a lot of my videos in the past here they've kind of you know they've talked about widowers and how you can kind of interpret what they say and what and their actions because a lot of times well most of the time widowers are kind of messed up when they get back into the dating world but today I want to focus on things that women who are dating widowers or even married or widowers are engaging widowers whatever you know or wherever you are in the relationship journey that things women do that sabotage the relationship with widowers and I've seen this a lot I've seen a scene I've seen a lot of it the last couple days in my inbox and you know on various Facebook groups and while it kind of makes me want to pull my hair out so I feel a little bit kind of a little bit angry a little bit I don't know on edge maybe English nothing where maybe I'm a little bit on edge today so if you kind of detect a little bit I don't know maybe I'm a little more harsh than usual listen I'm just kind of really frustrated I guess that's the word I'm frustrated I'm frustrated that there are people out there then I'm think it's intentional but they go out there and sabotage their own relationship so let me kind of set the stage for this the purpose of all these widower Wednesday videos that I do is really--it's widower psychology 101 it's male psychology 101 I'm trying to help...