Hey guys and welcome back to another episode from the dev marketer channel. This is the series on how to build a blog with Laravel. We start from absolute beginner work and work our way up to a pretty intermediate level blogging application. Alright, so we've worked on tons of stuff up to this point. We just finished the tags CRUD and I promised that we would then start our commenting system. But I was reminded this morning that I promised another item before we finish the series, and that was a working contact form. I thought I would go ahead and slip it in now just to kind of break up the CRUD stuff since we just did a CRUD with tags. Now we're gonna do it again with comments. I thought, hey, it'd be kind of cool to do a contact form. So let's go ahead. We're going to create a working contact form. We're going to explore the mail method, the mail class that came with Laravel, and see how it works and go ahead and send an email, alright? The mail class of Laravel is built off of the PHP library called Swift Mailer. It is a very popular and powerful library that allows us to do lots of different things. Laravel comes installed with Swift Mailer, so we don't need to separately install it. The mailer class in Laravel is built on top of the Swift Mailer library. Working with emails in Laravel is actually really simple. We can create views for our emails using blade views. We can also do inline attachments. It makes everything just so easy and takes away the headache from mail. Before we get started on this tutorial, what I need you guys to do is work on the config...