Alright, so the first thing you want to do is you want to go to your settings and open up a form. Now, because we want to give the students instant feedback, we want to change our settings and instantly make it into a quiz. So, you're gonna go to your settings and quizzes, and you're gonna hit "make it a quiz". You can play with all your settings down below or you can just hit save. The first thing we're gonna do is always want to name our tests or quizzes. So, this is going to be a science quiz on ecosystems. Now, my first question is always going to be "Name", and I'm going to change it to a short answer and make it required. However, I'm not going to do anything for the answer key because I'm not going to give them points for their name. Now, what I'm gonna do is create sections. If I had one question, I would have one section for the question, another section to revisit the question in case they missed it, and then I could add another question underneath. These are the different sections that the student will see one at a time. Each section, I'm gonna give it a title of "Question Number One". Now, in question number one, I want to add an image. So, I'm going to go over to the image and then pull my image folder. I can take a snapshot, find it in an album, or upload it. In this instance, I'm gonna upload it from my pictures because I already have the picture that I want to use. Once I've uploaded it there, my image will show up, and I can give it a title or add a question, which is what I'm...