Hi, welcome to Math Antics! In our last video, we learned the basics of multi-digit multiplication. We learned how to multiply a multi-digit number by a one-digit number. But in this video, we're gonna take it to the next level. We're gonna learn how to multiply a multi-digit number by another multi-digit number. You remember the procedure for multiplying when we have a one-digit bottom number, right? You break up the problem into a series of multiplication steps, one for each of the top digits. And in each step, you just multiply the bottom digit by a top digit, starting with the ones place and working your way left until you've multiplied all of the digits. Well, when the bottom number of your multiplication problem also has more than one digit, you have to do that same procedure we learned for each bottom digit. For example, if you have a two-digit bottom number, you multiply the first digit by each top digit, and then you multiply the second digit by each top digit. That means you're gonna have twice as many steps to do, and it means you're gonna get two different answers. What? How can we have two different answers for the same problem? Now don't panic, the different answers are just what you get from doing the multiplication procedure for each digit of the bottom number separately. In fact, it's kind of like we're pretending we have two separate multiplication problems that each have a one-digit bottom number, which is nice 'cause I kind of like pretending. No, Luke, I am your father! That's impossible! *Music* *Laughter* Well, I mean, it's nice because we already know how to multiply when we have a one-digit bottom number. But then what will we do with the two different answers we're...