Music, let's dig into the grid system just a little bit more and create a slightly more responsive layout. Let's say that beneath the main content area of our page, this whole row that we've created, let's say beneath all that, we want to have four little info pieces with kind of like some promotional information, some real buzzword-type marketing stuff. We're going to start off just the same way we created our main body in our sidebar. So, open up your index.html file, make sure you're in the right place. We want to be in between the closing tag for our row div and the closing tag for our container div. So, right here, let's add a new row. This is a new row because it's a whole nother level of the page. So, this is one row, then beneath it will be another row. So, we'll start off with a div with the class row. Go ahead and go down and close that. And then inside this row again, we want four little areas, four columns, and Bootstrap's grid system language. So, for now, we'll just do div and then close it. And we'll do that four times. And in each of these, let's put an h3 header and use some real buzzword stuff: innovate, sustain, lead, and inspire. Now, we'll also go and put a small paragraph beneath each one of these. So, you can go ahead and open and close your paragraph tag. I'll go back to blind text, grab maybe two or three sentences of text, paste that in, and I'm just going to use the same thing for each of these just to keep things simple, so we don't have to spend too much time copying and pasting stuff. So now, inside this new row, you should...
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