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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing How Form 2220 Estimated

Instructions and Help about How Form 2220 Estimated

Yes, let's go up friends. Hope you're having an awesome day. I am at Gabe Strom and I am very excited for today's special interview. I am joined by Jerry and Alex Mills, currently living in San Diego, California. I'm here in Chicago and some of you guys have heard about this interview. I want to talk today about their incredible journey and story from building a brand and selling their first million. It's actually a million - I'll ask them details in a second within their first year selling on private label specifically. You guys have been in the business for a couple of years doing another business that you recently just sold, and you guys made a ton of mistakes along the way. It was very messy. Your path is not the straight path that some people see in the infomercial about success from entrepreneurs. But anyways, Alex and Jerry, good friends of ours, we go way back. Also, I think we first connected back in the Willow days, Alex, when you were still working at Willow Creek in Barrington, and I had but was going to church out there at the time. And so we've been around the industry. Anyways, guys, thanks for being here. How are you guys today? Ok, very good. Excited to have you guys on and talk about this. I want to clarify, Alex, you corrected me. I think I may have made a mistake. We talked about zero to a million in your first year, but it actually wasn't your first year. You actually, this was your first year in building a brand, but you guys had been selling private label before. So you mind giving us like the cliff notes of what was going on the first full year of our...