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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing How Form 2220 Multiply

Instructions and Help about How Form 2220 Multiply

Hi and welcome to Math Antics. In this video lesson, we're going to learn how to do basic multi-digit multiplication. Now, this can be tricky at first, but don't get discouraged. It just might take some extra time and practice, but you'll get the hang of it. One thing I want to mention before we start is that multi-digit multiplication will be much easier for you if you memorize your basic multiplication facts. But if you don't have them memorized, then be sure to have a multiplication table handy when you're doing your practice problems. Okay, the best way to learn this is to jump right in. Let's try 137 times five. Now, as you can see, this is a three-digit number times a one-digit number. When you're given a problem like this where the numbers are written side-by-side, you need to rewrite it in stacked form with the ones places lined up, the way we did with addition and subtraction. Now, you might remember with multiplication that the order of the problem doesn't matter, so we could put whichever number we want on the top or the bottom. But it's always best to put the number with the most digits on the top and the one with the fewest digits on the bottom. There, now we draw our answer line below and we put our times symbol to the left, so we don't forget that we're multiplying. Okay, now we're ready to learn the procedure for multiplying. Basically, what we're going to do is break up this big multiplication problem and do a series of small multiplication problems or steps. Those small steps involve multiplying a digit and the bottom number by a digit in the top number. Now, in our problem, we only have one digit on the...