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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing How Form 2220 Reduce

Instructions and Help about How Form 2220 Reduce

Divide this text into sentences and correct mistakes: If you've got back pain that you can literally put your thumbs right on, I'm gonna show you how to get rid of that today and, more importantly, give you a strategy for making sure it does not come back ever again. What's up guys, Jeff Cavaliere from athleanx.com here with Jesse and Raymond. If you're looking for a way to get rid of that back pain now, I'm talking about the type that you can literally put your finger right on, well you can feel it and sometimes even by putting your finger there it shoots pain down into your butt - there's something you can do about it. You need to first of all start identifying what it is though, properly, because it really isn't low back pain. We're not talking about the muscles here or the low back, even though you might feel some of that pain up there. Really what we're talking about is a glute medius, and this is a rampant problem and one of those caused by a lot of sitting and a lot of things that were maybe even doing wrong in the weight room. But first of all, we want to make sure that we're all talking about the same thing. And right here, if you look on Jesse and Raymond, the glute medius is this muscle that runs right up under here, okay? It's actually underneath the glute max and it attached it's just on the inside of this bony area here that we're gonna call the PSIs. Now why does that matter? Because big bony areas make it really easy to feel and find out and make sure that you are on the same spot. So if we look here on Jesse, if...