Hey Vsauce, Michael here. What is the biggest number you can think of? A googolplex? A milli-millionallplex? Well, in reality, the biggest number is 40, covering more than 12,000 square meters of Earth. This 40 is made out of strategically planted trees in Russia and is larger than the battalion markers on Signal Hill in Calgary, the six found on the above and badges in England, and even the mile of pie Brady unrolled on numberphile. 40 is the biggest number on earth in terms of surface area. But in terms of the amount of things, which is normally what we mean by a number being big, 40 probably isn't the biggest. For example, there's 41, and then there's 42 and 43, a billion, a trillion, you know. No matter how big of a number you can think of, you could always go higher. So, there is no biggest last number, except infinity. Infinity is not a number. Instead, it's a kind of number you need infinite numbers to talk about and compare amounts that are unending. But some unending amounts, some infinities, are literally bigger than others. Let's visit some of them and count past them. First things first, when a number refers to how many things there are, it is called a cardinal number. For example, for bananas, twelve flags, twenty dots. Twenty is the cardinality of this set of dots. Now, two sets have the same cardinality when they contain the same number of things. We can demonstrate this equality by pairing each member of one set one-to-one with each member of the other, same cardinality. Pretty simple. We use the natural numbers, that is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and so on, as cardinals whenever we talk about how many things there are. But how many natural...
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