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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing What Form 2220 Charities

Instructions and Help about What Form 2220 Charities

Tis the season to be jolly. Can you tell how jolly I am? This is my jolly face. Well, hello again Internet! Corinne here and you're watching my personal channel. I have a lot of stuff to tell you today and a lot to be jolly for, so let's get started, shall we? First things first, I want to talk to you about my new glasses. A lot of you have been commenting on how much you like my new frames. Yeah, they really frame my face well, don't they? Which is great because this episode is sponsored by Glasses USA. I actually have a pretty sordid history with glasses. There were countless Christmases and birthdays where I received glasses as my gift because I always lose them, break them, or scratch them all up. And glasses are not cheap. So when Glasses USA told me they were gonna send me six pairs of glasses and sunglasses, I was like, "Yeah, this is a match made in brand deal heaven." And because this is the season of giving, I've decided to donate all of the sponsorship money to my two favorite charities. Now, if you wear glasses, you know how difficult it can be to find the perfect frames. I especially hate having to go to a glasses store because the people that work there are always following you around and hovering over, giving their unsolicited opinions. "Oh, that looks nice on you." "Those might be a little too narrow for your wide head." "Thanks." Well, with Glasses USA's virtual Tryon tool, you don't even have to leave the house. I like that. "Yes, Hollywood's calling. They want their fabulous glasses back." And very studious. I like to study things. "Hello, Hilary Duff. Yeah, these are giving me all the Catwoman vibes....