Divide this text into sentences and correct mistakes: In this video, I'm going to answer the question: what is accounting? What is accounting? That's a really interesting question because accounting is a pretty broad field of study. You have different things like corporate accounting, tax accounting, financial auditing, so you have all these very diverse fields. So, when you start thinking about what is the unifying factor between all these fields and accounting, I think it's a very helpful conversation to have. Now, I have some related videos that I've made on this. I have a video on what is finance, and I also have another video on the difference between finance and accounting. So, I'm going to put the links to those videos down below. You can click on those and check them out if you're interested. But I wanted to make a video specifically on accounting because accounting is something very special. So, when you talk about a definition for accounting, the typical definition that you would find in textbooks goes something like this: accounting is the language of business, or you might find something like accounting is the means of communicating financial information. Now, I think those are pretty good definitions, but I want to suggest a different definition that's a little bit broader in scope. So, my definition goes like this: accounting is the field of study that brings structure to chaos. This is a really interesting way of looking at accounting, but let me give you an explanation of why I think of accounting in this way. If you look at the world around you, there is chaos everywhere. There is all of this economy, this complexity of relationships, of people buying and selling and making transactions and exchanging currencies and market fluctuations. It's chaos everywhere. And what accountants are...