I. Music. Hi, this is Mike Haver. Thank you for asking me how to get myself disqualified from jury service. Sadly, this is an all too commonly asked question. Out of the gate, please know that I am NOT going to instruct you on how to avoid your civic duty. That would be both irresponsible and unethical. Serving as a juror is both a privilege and a civic duty as a citizen. You enjoy many freedoms, privileges, and rights, and very little is asked of you in return. However, one of the few things that is expected of you is that you will honor your summons for jury duty. Frankly, you ought to do so proudly. II. Now, I know it's one in a million people who are going to open up their mail and bump into a jury duty summons and save themselves, saying, "Yes, finally today is the day! It came! Today, I get to be a juror!" But that's not the point. The point is, freedom is not free, and serving as a juror is one of the very few prices that you must pay for your freedom. III. That said, take a look at Florida Statute 40.013 and you'll find a list of the various categories of people who are automatically disqualified and must be excused from jury service. You'll also find a list of people who may be excused if the judge feels that sufficient cause exists to do so. Apart from these statutory reasons, lawyers are permitted to use what are called peremptory challenges. These will strike potential jurors who a lawyer does not want to hear and judge the facts in their particular case, for any variety of reasons. If a lawyer doesn't feel that you're going to be a good juror for his or her case,...