Our galaxy consists of hundreds of billions of stars and trillions of planets. There's something deeply disturbing about the idea that we might be the only ones living in it. Applause. So today we were toned to the Fermi paradox series for the first in a short series of episodes discussing all the possible factors which might contribute to making technological civilizations like our own extraordinarily uncommon. We have looked and will discuss more in the future some possible ways in which we might be surrounded by advanced civilizations and just not be aware of it. We can never safely discount the possibility that they might drop by for visits, if indeed they have not already done so. However, the Occam's razor approach to the folly paradox, the seeming contradiction between the immensity of the universe and the apparent absence of any other advanced civilization, then alone is that there just aren't any close enough for us to detect. That's not really a big problem in and of itself. After all, we can't even see most of the equipment we left on our own moon half a century ago, let alone buildings on other planets around other stars. And we certainly have not built anything on other planets yet. No man has ever traveled to the moon, and except for those twelve and some hundreds who have traveled a couple hundred kilometers over the planet to low orbit, nobody has yet left our own homeworld. We don't broadcast our signals very loudly, and indeed they have gotten quieter as we've gotten more advanced, since efficiency encourages us to make them ever quieter and harder to recognize as a signal. We'd have problems hearing our own transmission with our own detectors much further away than our immediate neighboring star systems. Taken...