Hello, my name is Angie. We have a lot of clients that use our products to digitize and store their supplier invoices. So, I thought it would be a good idea to put together a series of short videos showing how to configure scan to PDF for that purpose. This video looks at the simplest solution we have, which is ideal when you have less than a hundred invoices a month and you want them stored electronically. Now, let's have a quick look at how the supplier invoices are filed. Here, you can see we have a folder called "supplier invoices" on the D drive, which contains PDFs for each month. So, if you want to look at the stored supplier invoice for, let's say, June 2014, you just open the PDF and then scroll down the thumbnails until you find the invoice you're looking for. Now, let's have a look at how we are going to create these PDFs. Over to the scan PDF program, you can either scan directly from your scanner or, if you don't have a scanner, you can use your camera or your phone to take photos of the invoices and then copy them into a folder. Just to speed up the demo, I'm going to import some images of my supplier invoices from a folder. So, import folder, and there we have our invoices. Now, I'm going to tell the system which month and year these invoices belong to. We're now in March of 2015, so click OK. We should then see the PDF being created in the "supplier invoices" folder, and there it appears. Any additional supplier invoices we have for March 2015 can easily be added to the existing PDF. Next, I'm going to give you a quick little bit of settings behind the scan...
Award-winning PDF software
Video instructions and help with filling out and completing When Form 2220 PDF