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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing When Form 2220 Periods

Instructions and Help about When Form 2220 Periods

I've been sitting here all day long and this is what I did today. We are going to be free bleeding, that means we're not going to be using any period products at all. We're just gonna let it all out and everyone's gonna be there for it. If I couldn't have any period products, I know that my period would be so messy. Whenever you're caught in the situation without a period product, it's always just like a feeling of panic. Hitting a period is hard enough even with all the tools I have at my disposal. We're gonna be kind of exploring what that means to not have period products. My period lasts for seven full days. It's usually the first three days or like what's up lately. I've just been using a deeper cut. I'm a tampon girl. I use extra super absorbent tampons, extra super absorbent pads. I also have decently bad cramps, so I'm oftentimes popping ibuprofen of some kind or another. I don't know if I'm more nervous for the questions people are gonna ask or the questions that people are not gonna ask. Like, what are they gonna think? So many people have like a visceral, disgusted reaction when it comes to periods. They're much cuter when they're, you know, actually being used for an adorable little puppy, rather than my personal external diaper. You know how in pad commercials they use blue liquid instead of red blood? It's not gonna be blue, it's just because they knew it came from our version of it. I'm an Alaska and I'm Margo Lane and we're the cofounders of conscious period. For every of organic tampons we sell, we give back to women who are living in homelessness right here in the United States. Music:...