In this tutorial I'm going to show you how to add custom fields to contact form 7 forms so that when your visitors answer certain questions in certain ways other questions appear which is really useful stuff and we're getting started right now it's up guys welcome back to another video it's bjorn from WP learning lab we help you get better at WordPress so you can earn more for yourself for your clients and for your business if you're new here to subscribe and hit the bell notification icons you'll miss anything and with that out of the way let's head to the screen capture so to add these conditional fields to contact form 7 I'll see you there first thing we have to do to get conditional functionality to our contact form 7 forms is install a plug-in called contact form 7 conditional fields to do that we're going to head over to plugins and then add new and lookup contact form 7 conditional and his first plug-in right up here in the top left is the one that we use for that click on Install Now then click on activate and now we don't have to set any settings so we can head into our form editor I go to the contacts menu item clicking on edit for for when I work on what's going to work on this basic form here now we have a conditional fields tab that's been added up here in here is where we define the rules for our conditions but first we have to make fields and our formatter else have a conditional fields group that's been added and the groups are what are going to appear or disappear based on our conditions so I'm just going to make a really...
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