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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Where Form 2220 Developments

Instructions and Help about Where Form 2220 Developments

We are the most complex creature on this planet. A big brain, two-legged mammal, we've risen from the raw materials of the earth to dominate and shape it. Wind the clock backwards, and the story of how we got to be us is a puzzle that defies all logic. Through nearly 4 billion years of evolutionary twists and turns, disasters strike, predators threaten to wipe us out. From rodent to reptile, we face extinction at every turn. From the land into the water, fighting to survive every step of the way, from fish to worm back to the very first spark of life to a single, simple self, this is the most extraordinary improbable story ever told: the story of mankind rising. Four billion years ago, a ball of rock and dust spins in the frozen vacuum of space. This isn't Mars or Venus. This is Earth. This seething, lifeless mass of molten lava will become home to nearly nine million living species. But generating life from this will take a chain of events that defies the laws of probability. There are many theories. Nobody knows exactly where life began, but it couldn't happen without water. Experts believe asteroids or comets delivered it here. The water is teeming with chemicals and organic compounds. Lightning strikes the chemical soup at the right place and the right time. Billions of volts of electricity trigger a chain of improbable coincidences. The chemicals' atoms join up in a precise sequence, creating a bundle of genetic material. These fragile genes don't stand a chance in this extreme environment, but luck strikes again. A blob of oily material engulfs a single chain, creating the first-ever cell. Now, the genes send out messages, chemical instructions, and 3.5 billion years ago, they do something extraordinary. They copy themselves and...