Welcome to the traditional bow hunting wilderness podcast. This is Jason Sam Kovac, and it's getting close to the season. I finally got all my stuff in my pack. All I have to do is rearrange a few things. But I wanted to show you it is basically all set up. This is the pack I'm going to use for hunting this year. It is a qu you to you icon Pro 1850, my main pack that I'll be carrying with me when I'm out there hunting. As many of you know, I use a two-pack system. This other pack I've had for probably twenty-something years. It is a North Face pack, and I use it for all my spare parts, refills, and accessories that I need for the hunt. When I go on an out-of-state hunt, I fill it with the rest of my camera gear and other things that I want. The side pockets are filled with more bull hooks, rubber gloves, extra first-aid supplies, more batteries, and rattling antlers. It's always convenient and simple to have everything together. This pack is kind of my backup pack where I put all my other stuff to refill the main pack from. It is essentially just a lot of repeat items that are in here or extras as I need. But it is a two-pack system set up. I use this one when I go into the woods, and the other one always stays in my truck throughout the hunting season. Now, let's focus on the main pack. This is my fully loaded pack with everything I'm going to carry, including my harness, binoculars, lineman belt, vest, and all other necessary items. Although it looks bulky, it only weighs about 13.5 pounds, including the pack itself. I have purposely chosen lighter...
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