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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Which Form 2220 Developments

Instructions and Help about Which Form 2220 Developments

New babies aren't quite sure what happens to objects when they leave their sight. Skye's mom keeps disappearing and reappearing, no wonder peekaboo is so much fun. During their first year, however, infants will learn an important concept: object permanence. Everything has a life of its own, even if it is out of sight. At Maya's age, babies know to look for the object, but they might not have everything else straight. Ten-month-old Simon is about to make a classic mistake. Although he watched us place the toy plane under the white cloth, he looked for where he last found it, not where he watched us hide it. Can you look at these two glasses and do you think that they have the same amount of juice? Do you think they have the same? Okay, now we're going to pour this juice into this glass. Now, do you think that this glass has more juice? This glass has more, or do you think that they have the same amount? That one, this one has more. And why do you think that this one has more? Because it's taller. Okay, you ready? Does this row have more quarters? Does this row have more quarters, or do they have the same? Five, five. Okay, does this row have more quarters? Does this row have more? Do they have the same? That one has more quarters. Why does this row have more quarters? It's farther away. Alright, we're gonna play a game with the grand Packers, and we're gonna share them between me and you. Okay, okay. Do you think that we shared those fairly? No, why not? Well, what about what if we try this? Okay, can I put this down right there? Now, is it fair? Yeah, yeah. Why is it fair now? Can...