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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Who Form 2220 Dependents

Instructions and Help about Who Form 2220 Dependents

Hey, welcome back to the Mr. Excel NetCast. I'm Bill Jelen. Basically, you start out with a massive amount of data. How are we going to analyze this? Well, let's fire up a pivot table and see if we can solve this problem. Hey, welcome back to the Mr. Excel NetCast. I'm Bill Jelen. Well, VLOOKUP week continues. We're talking about VLOOKUPs this week. This time, I have to do a VLOOKUP here in column B. I'm going to have to copy the VLOOKUP over to C, D, and E to grab all four columns. So, the first thing we want to do is equal VLOOKUP and when we point back to column A1, press F4 one, two, three times to lock down just the column A. That way, as we copy this across, it will always look back to column A. Then, over here, we'll choose our table. So, control shift and down arrow, shift and right, right, right, right. Press F4 one single time to lock that table down and 1 column 2, comma false. Alright, so we copy that across and you can see that it will always be grabbing column 2. This is the painful step. We have to go through and edit these one at a time. Not bad for four of them, but worse if you have monthly data or 36 columns or something like that. So, go through and edit those. Alright, so some things that I've seen. I'm going to go on to the next worksheet. Sometimes, we insert an extra little row up here. We put the numbers 2, 3, 4, 5 and we use equal VLOOKUP again back to column A1. Press F4 to lock that down and choose our range over here. Control shift and down arrow, press F4 one single...