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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Who Form 2220 Feedback

Instructions and Help about Who Form 2220 Feedback

Testing testing 1 2 3. When your band is trying to provide feedback, it can be an annoying obstacle. However, in the grand orchestra of nature, feedback is not only beneficial, but it's also what makes everything work. So, what exactly is feedback? It is the key element, whether it's in sound, the environment, or social science. It is a phenomenon called mutual causal interaction, where X affects Y and Y affects X, creating an ongoing process called a feedback loop. The natural world is full of these mechanisms formed by the links between living and non-living things, which build resilience by governing the way populations and food webs respond to events. When plants die, the dead material enriches the soil with humus, a stable mass of organic matter providing moisture and nutrients for other plants to grow. The more plants grow and die, the more humus is produced, allowing even more plants to grow, and so on. This is an example of positive feedback, an essential force in the buildup of ecosystems. However, it is not called positive feedback because it's beneficial, but rather because it amplifies a particular effect or change from previous conditions. These positive or amplifying loops can also be harmful, like when removing a forest makes it vulnerable to erosion, which removes organic matter and nutrients from the earth, leaving fewer plants to anchor the soil and leading to more erosion. In contrast, negative feedback diminishes or counteracts changes in an ecosystem to maintain a more stable balance. Consider predators and their prey, for example. When lynx eat snowshoe hares, they reduce the hare population. However, this drop in the lynx's food source will soon cause their own population to decline, reducing the predation rate and allowing the hare population to increase again. This ongoing cycle creates...