I'm James I'm a writer an artist and I make work about technology I do things like draw life-sized outlines of military drones in city streets around the world so that people can start to think and get their heads around these really quite hard to see and hard to think about technologies I make things like neural networks that predict the results of elections based on weather reports because I'm intrigued about what the actual possibilities of these kind of weird new technologies are last year I built my own self-driving car but because I don't really trust technology I also designed a trap for it and I do these things mostly because I find them completely fascinating but also because I think when we talk about technology we're kind of largely talking about ourselves and the way that we understand the world so here's a story about technology this is a surprise egg video right it's basically a video of someone opening up loads of chocolate eggs and showing the toys inside to the viewer that's it that's all it does for seven long minutes and I want you to notice two things about this first of all this video has 30 million views all right and the other thing is that it comes from a channel that has 6.3 million subscribers that has a total of 8 billion views and it's all just more videos like this 30 million people watching a guy opening up these eggs it sounds pretty weird but if you search for surprise eggs on YouTube it'll tell you there's 10 million of these videos and I think that's an undercount right I think there's way way more of these if you keep searching they're endless there's millions and millions of these videos...