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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Why Form 2220 Sufficient

Instructions and Help about Why Form 2220 Sufficient

Hi there, I'm training to be an enzyme survivor. Exploring ways to listen and learn so that I can live during the tough times ahead. The more self-sufficient we are, the less dependent we are on the system. However, reaching complete self-sufficiency can only happen when we bring in a special ingredient. Stay tuned to find out what that is. Self-sufficiency is helpful for a number of reasons. It enables us to thrive on frugal living, which requires us to think outside the and be resourceful. What we need is often freely available around us. Reusing and recycling materials feels good because we know we're getting the most out of what we have, rather than squandering resources. Working with the land sensitively reduces our carbon footprint and reminds us that anything we take in excess of what we need is felt by others, as we're all interconnected and interdependent. Self-sufficiency also requires us to be self-disciplined, hardworking, and carry our own weight. Finding solutions like fixing things ourselves boosts confidence, and in the process, our tool and skill sets increase. However, self-sufficiency can only go so far. Even if we could find a perfect spot of land or a great community of idealists, becoming totally self-sufficient is hard to do. The system wants people to be dependent on it. It has no interest in getting people to find ways to become free of it. It's really all about money, including taxes. Self-sufficiency that is dependent on accumulating possessions or land, no matter how sustainable, is not real self-sufficiency. Because if the powers-that-be wish to refuse access to land or possessions, they invariably can find a way of doing so. However, by bringing God sufficiency into the picture, we break totally and permanently free of the system. We have found in...