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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Will Form 2220 Amusement

Instructions and Help about Will Form 2220 Amusement

Welcome to your fitter future workout for today. So, we're going to start with some quick beach shuffles. First, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and bend down. Next, we're going to move our feet as quickly as we can on the floor. Remember, it's not about how loud we go. Ready? Three, two, one, off we go! Excellent, keep going. Now, let's move on to a burpee and a star drop rotation. To do a burpee, start with your feet shoulder-width apart and place your hands on the floor. Spread out your fingers and walk back, step by step, until your body is in a straight line. Then, step back in and stand up. It doesn't matter which foot goes first. For the star drop rotation, place your hand on your side, extend one foot out, and bend your knee. Then, come back up again. If you want a challenge, take a look at what Jack is doing. Look how low his knee is going. Excellent! These movements target your lower body. Now, let's move on to lower body star jumps. Ready? Three, two, one, off we go! Remember to stay in control and take it nice and slow. We'll gradually increase the speed. Look how high Jack is jumping. He's really testing himself. Don't worry if you're going slower, like Jack. It's all about using more energy. Next, let's do middle cross exercises. Keep up the tempo. Remember, you can visit fitterfuture.com for more exercises like this that you can do at home.