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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Will Form 2220 Columns

Instructions and Help about Will Form 2220 Columns

Item number SCP is a Euclid class object. The special containment procedures state that SCP is to remain connected to a power supply at all times in case of an electrical outage. The facility must have a barrier to separate the object, and it must be closed immediately. Once the facility power is restored, the area must be evacuated and alternating bursts of x-ray and ultraviolet light must be used over the area until SCP reacts to the power supply and returns to charging mode. The area must be kept in a negative air pressure, and teams of at least two members are required within 20 meters of SCP. The members should maintain physical contact with one another at all times to confirm presence, as perception may be influenced by plasma. Personnel below level 3 are not allowed in the facility, but this requirement can be waived with proper authorization. Anyone with a waiver must be escorted by at least 5 level 3 security personnel and undergo a 72-hour quarantine and physiological evaluation. SCP is a fleshy growth with a volume of roughly 60 cubic meters and it has a door that leads to an interior resembling a low-rent apartment. The furniture in the room is made of sculpted bone, hair, and other biological substances. All matter tested shows fragmented DNA and independent sequences. SCP is responsible for the disappearance of seven personnel and has transformed organic matter into various items. The object was discovered in Portugal and was transported to an SCP facility. During transport, several security personnel disappeared while inside the object. It has since been classified and is strictly controlled. Access to SCP's container requires approval from at least two level 4 staff. This is a summary of the SCP incident.