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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Will Form 2220 Defined

Instructions and Help about Will Form 2220 Defined

Music. I studied Chinese politics, and I teach courses on Chinese politics. I am grateful for this opportunity today to speak about events unfolding in China this past year. When we talk about China, we often focus on China-U.S. trade war, but there have been significant developments in China's domestic politics. This year, in particular, has been significant because of Xi Jinping. Today, I want to give you a briefing on what unfolded this past year and what we can expect in the future. I would like to start with an exam question. In my course on Chinese politics, I asked students to identify a critical year in China's political development. A critical juncture is a turning point where certain events and decisions change the course of history. When we look at the last 70 years of the Chinese Communist Party's rule, a few years stand out. In 1949, the People's Republic of China was established, consolidating mainland China under a single government led by Mao Zedong. In 1978, the reform and opening-up policy began, leading to China's economic miracle. In 1989, the Tiananmen Square movement and massacre revealed the Communist Party's willingness to use force to maintain power. Now, I want to argue that 2017 and 2018 have the potential to be another turning point. Although history is still unfolding, several developments in the past 12 months indicate that this might be a critical year for contemporary China. Xi Jinping has consolidated his power and signaled the start of a new era under his rule. Today, I will provide a briefing on what happened this past year, why it may be critical, and discuss future trends to consider. Before delving into the events of this year, let's talk about how we used to view China. Just a few years ago, the political...