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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Will Form 2220 Penalties

Instructions and Help about Will Form 2220 Penalties

Can my test results or my refusal be kept out of evidence? One of the first steps I take in starting your DUI defense is to begin looking at every piece of evidence in your case. This includes looking for all procedural problems that could exist. Some of the first questions I investigate are: Was the stop improper? Was the arrest unlawful? Did the officer properly conduct the field sobriety test? Did you timely and properly receive the implied consent warning? Or were you accommodated in getting independent testing of your blood or alcohol tests? If the answers to any of these questions are no, I will work hard to have the test results or refusal kept out of evidence. These are only a few ways I will search out all defenses available in your case. Contact our office today for a free case evaluation and learn how I can help you fight your DUI charges.