Welcome to the regular City Commission meeting for the city of Lighthouse Point. Today is Wednesday, September 12, 2008. I want to invite Danny Slavoj from United Church to lead us in prayer. Father in Heaven, maker of all things, thank you for establishing the authority of this Commission and for the common good of the city of Lighthouse Point. We ask for wisdom and clarity for each member of the Commission as they discuss the budget and business before them. We pray for integrity and humility as they vote and serve the city. We also pray for the residents, employees, and all those gathered here tonight. Guide them in the same way and help us make our city an even better place to live, work, and prosper. In Jesus' name, Amen. I now call this meeting to order. Let's begin with the Pledge of Allegiance. Madame clerk, please proceed with the roll call. Commissioner President: Present Commissioner Ex-President: Present Commissioner Johnson: Present Commissioner Long: Present We have a quorum. The city attorney, city administrator, finance director, fire chief, library director, police chief, public works director, and recreation director are also present. We have two sets of minutes from the workshop and regular meeting held on August 28, 2018. Are there any comments or additions? I move to approve both sets of minutes from August 28. Seconded. All in favor, say "aye." The motion passes 5-0. Now, let's move on to the treasurer's report. Depalo, please give us an update. The general fund has $735,303.26 in new deposits. The garbage and trash fund has $816,923.68. Special-purpose funds have $2,915,497.46. The storm water utility fund has $304.04. The jet service fund has $14,900.68. The contingency fund has $5,483,748. The general fund encumbrances amount to $108,825.80. The total amount is $10,415,690.82. Finance director, before we move on, I would like an update...
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